Retreat vacation or self-discovery journey?

A true self-discovery journey does not happen by chance. It requires certain conditions for a retreat vacation to become a profound experience of self-healing and the resolution of important life questions. Our participants are always amazed at the deep insights they gain during and after the use of plant medicine or holotropic breathing. In this article, we would like to summarize the five most significant realizations of our participants and highlight how an authentic self-discovery journey differs from a typical retreat vacation.

First realization: Your perception shapes your reality

A fundamental principle of the self-discovery journey is the realization that each person is the creator of their own reality. This insight may initially seem abstract, but its significance is immense. The world, as we perceive it, is not objective but shaped by our own perception and consciousness. We all know this principle from our daily lives. If we dislike someone, we tend to focus only on their negative traits. On the other hand, if we are fond of someone, we notice their positive aspects. This effect influences every moment of our lives and shapes our reality. At Ahom-Retreat, you will learn to become aware of this mechanism and harness it. You will understand how your perception shapes your reality and how you can positively influence your world through a conscious alignment of your thoughts and emotions. Our self-discovery journey prepares you to sharpen your perception and see the world with new eyes.

Second insight: The Power of breathing techniques

In our retreats, we place great emphasis on the variety of breathing techniques and their transformative power. Breath accompanies us throughout our entire lives, yet we often take it for granted. When you consider that we breathe in and out up to 20,000 times a day, the importance of breathing becomes clear. It's astonishing to realize that just 5 minutes without oxygen can cause irreversible brain damage. In contrast, we can go up to 3 days without water and even 30 days without food. This fact highlights the vital role that breathing plays in our well-being and health. Through targeted breathing techniques, we can not only support the healing process of our bodies but also gain deep insights into our subconscious. Holotropic breathing is a technique that enables access to an expanded state of consciousness, allowing new perspectives to emerge.

Third insight: The power of community

A self-discovery journey is undoubtedly a very personal and individual process—quite different from a mere retreat vacation. However, the community, or social environment in which the journey takes place, plays a significant role in its quality and depth. When you are in a group of like-minded individuals, the various exercises and experiences become not only more intense but also more fulfilling. The dynamic interaction with other participants can create an atmosphere that is highly conducive to your self-discovery journey. The diverse perspectives and positive energies of those around you can greatly contribute to a profound and positive outcome for your retreat. It's fascinating to witness how mutual support and a shared journey can lead to new insights and inner processes.

Fourth insight: The importance of nutrition for body and mind

Food is not just fuel for our body, but also for our mind. It's like how we wouldn't put just any liquid into our beloved car and expect it to run perfectly. So why do we often treat our own body with less care than we do our car? At our retreats, we place great importance on high-quality vegan nutrition. We understand that the food we consume has a significant impact on the outcome of our self-discovery journey. Many of our participants are surprised by how delicious and nutrient-rich vegan food can be. A remarkable percentage of our participants even choose to adopt a vegan lifestyle after attending Ahom Retreats. This change is not only a choice for health but also for the protection of our environment and the well-being of all living beings.

Fifth insight: Confronting addiction and self-healing

A notable aspect of the self-discovery journey with Ahom-Retreats is the profound self-healing process stimulated by the use of plant medicine, as opposed to a typical retreat vacation. During this process, all barriers and blockages that hinder natural healing are ruthlessly exposed and expelled. It is fascinating to observe how the body responds to this detoxification. For example, if cigarettes are one of these barriers, you may find that within a few hours, you no longer feel the urge to smoke. The body essentially blocks the absorption of nicotine as it learns through the plant medicine what it truly needs to heal. Other forms of addiction can also be addressed and transformed during the retreat. Whether it concerns alcohol, meat, sugar, or other dependencies, the effects are highly individual and unpredictable.

Conclusion on the topic: Why a self-discovery journey is not a retreat vacation

The five insights from our participants show that self-discovery is not an isolated process but gains a new dimension within a community. Conscious eating, dealing with addiction behavior, and discovering one's creative power are just some of the areas explored during the retreat. This is where the distinction between a retreat vacation and a true retreat lies. An Ahom retreat is more than just a vacation—it's an investment in your health, well-being, and spiritual development. If you're ready to embark on this transformative journey, we look forward to accompanying you on your path.



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